7 ways to save money on your energy bill this summer

Technician performing maintenance services

DEWA recently published a whole host of useful money saving tips relating to home utilities. As our specialist subject, and with a long hot summer ahead of us, we’ve been inspired to share our expert perspective on the best ways to cut spend without cutting corners in your home:

Setting your indoor temperature to a consistent 24 degrees

An indoor temperature of up to 25 degrees is considered comfortable for the human body – humidity levels permitting (which should not exceed 55%). To minimise energy consumption Municipalities around the world are encouraging residents to restrict their AC to a consistent temperature of 24 degrees versus the conventional 18-21 degrees, as this can result in 24% of energy savings (Bureau of Energy Efficiency.) According to DEWA, every time you decrease the temperature by one-degree Celsius, you are increasing your AC consumption by five per cent.

As a consumer, not blasting your AC means more money in your pocket. A 2019 survey reported that more than 60% of UAE residents are already implementing this measure – which is good news both financially and environmentally. However, it pays to understand how the energy is being saved and to be proactive about keeping it that way.

In very simple terms, an AC compressor has to work longer if your temperature is set to a lower (cooler) level. Similarly, if you overlook your regular AC service, the extra energy needed to cool a room when your system is clogged with dirt and debris will lead to an unnecessarily high electricity bill, regardless of you implementing the 24 degree hack. Which takes us to our next point:

Combatting dirty filters and other culprits

To achieve and maintain a temperature within a room, you need an AC that is clean and operating efficiently, so the compressor of the AC system only needs to work for a shorter period. In addition, a clean AC evaporator coil working in conjunction you’re your AC allows maximum airflow and therefore maximum dehumidification thereby keeping humidity to acceptable levels. A dirty filter alone can add 15% to your utilities bill, however there are a wide variety of elements that contribute to an effective AC including dirty outdoor condensers, correct gas pressures and correctly operating and clean indoor and outdoor fan motors. These should all be reviewed and rectified as part of a good quality AC Service.

To summarise, revving through summer with dirty AC will FAR OUTWEIGH the cost of a proper service, therefore, to optimise your energy spend you should ensure your AC service is conducted ideally every 4 months and certainly no less than twice a year.

Setting your temperature even higher when you’re not at home

If you are travelling, we suggest aiming for a stable but higher temperature of 27-28°C, and choosing the fan-only option that turns the AC on only when needed. We believe this is preferable to completely switching off your AC as the high humidity could lead to stagnant air, mould, and odours.

If you have natural airflow throughout your property and your AC system has the option of the fan-only coming on when needed, this will further reduce your electricity costs. Or, if you plan to leave only one AC operating within a villa, choose an upstairs AC as cooler air naturally falls, thereby promoting circulation with the ground floor.

Don’t forget to leave all doors within your property open to further promote airflow.

Investing in a smart or programmable thermostat

Setting your AC to come on for short periods of time each day is the most efficient way to cool your home. It will also allow you to control which rooms in the house are cooled. While switching your air conditioning on and off may seem like it will use more energy, it is actually a more efficient way to keep the temperature steady, as air-cooling systems work best at steadying temperature and dehumidifying when they are running at full speed. Leaving your AC running throughout the day on a less powerful setting will use more energy overall.

Getting a ceiling or pedestal fan

This might sound outdated, but used in conjunction with your AC, a fan can assist air circulation within a property and this additional airflow helps to distribute the hotter air at the top of a room and cooler air at the bottom of a room more effectively. As a fan uses about the same energy as an old-fashioned lightbulb, it can be considered a cost-effective way to minimise your electricity bill. Though a fan will be rendered useless on its own in the UAE’ hot and humid climate, if your AC system is on and working correctly this is a worthwhile addition.

Weather-proofing your home with handyman hacks

Blackout curtains or drapes work to minimise heat entering your property through glass windows, while door sealant can significantly reduce the amount of cooled air escaping from a property by sealing air gaps from draughts to doors, windows and any other openings. These measures are simple, yet they can be well worth implementing, as anything that keeps your indoor areas cooler will assist in reducing the load on your AC and in turn your spending on electricity.

Replacing very old AC units

DEWA states the optimal lifetime of an AC unit is 10 years, yet many communities in the UAE are approaching double that age with their original AC units yet to be replaced. We happen to know that high numbers of these properties are currently experiencing issues, not only with breakdowns, but also combatting higher than necessary energy bills. It is no coincidence that requests for full property AC replacements have been increasing steadily in the last couple of years, and we have seen pretty much everything there is to see when it comes to these ageing systems. Our replacement options cover all bases dependent on your property and usage. If energy consumption and electricity costs are your priority we are happy to advise the best AC types and brands to install, including ESMA models promoting Emirates sustainability standards.

If you have questions relating to AC, smart thermostats, ceiling fans, handyman jobs or AC unit replacement, please contact We Will Fix It for a no-obligation price estimation free-of-charge. Operating in Dubai since 2008, we are perhaps best known for our expertise in all things AC related and we are happy to answer any queries relating to this article on 800 349 (800 FIX).