Ask The Expert: British Maintenance Company We Will Fix It Q&A

Two AC units placed on a metal sheet

Q: I’m leaving Dubai for the summer months. Would you suggest I turn my AC off while I’m away?

A: If you have the setting on your temperature controller, we recommend that you set your AC on a timer for a couple of hours a day while you’re away, as this will cool down the interior of your home. Alternatively, put it on an automatic setting of around 27 degrees Celsius, so you don’t have to return to a house full of condensation and to keep your plants alive at the same time. It’s best to leave all doors within your property open to promote airflow, and if you plan to only leave one AC operating within a villa, choose an upstairs AC. Cooler air naturally falls, thereby promoting circulation. Also, make sure you leave your curtains and blinds drawn in rooms that receive direct sunlight to help to keep the temperature down. Of course, you can always  ask the professionals about maintenance concerns anytime, including those involving AC use during the summer months.

Q: What would you recommend I should do to preserve my garden while I’m away?

A: No one wants to come home to a garden that has been reduced to a desertlike state, so ensure you time your irrigation to come on during the night to minimise evaporation. We recommend arranging for your gardening service to continue coming to your home while you are away. Also, don’t isolate the water supply or your irrigation will run dry within a day.

Q: How do I keep my home safe while I’m away?

A: Although the UAE has a reputation as being one of the safest countries, crime does still exist and it’s important that you avoid risks by locking all valuables out of sight of anyone outside your home. Lock all windows and doors and tell a trusted neighbour that you’ll be away, so they can keep an eye on your home for the time being. If you want to be extra cautious, think about investing in a home safe, but ensure it is securely drilled into a floor or wall to be effective.

Q: What would you recommend I do to prevent flooding while I’m away?

A: If you’re living in an apartment and therefore do not have a garden, it would be best to turn off your main water supply while you are away, as this is the easiest and best way to prevent any water leaks or damage. If you live in a villa with a garden or are unable to isolate the water supply for whatever reason, make sure you switch off all water taps before you go. Get leaks or drips fixed before leaving to avoid racking up a huge DEWA bill.

Q: Do you think I can leave my computers and TV plugged in?

A: We recommend unplugging most of your electrics when you go away as this is safer and will save on electricity while you’re away. Just don’t unplug your fridge or freezer as this could end up very messy! Turn off anything on a timer, especially alarm clocksyou don’t want to drive your neighbours crazy from 6am every day. We always suggest asking a close friend to come in and check your home at least once a week. Don’t forget to leave your overseas contact details with them in case of emergency and bring them a present back from your holiday to say thank you. You can always repay the favour when they go away next time!